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Nipe Tumaini children’s home is flourishing,
thanks to the love and support of a global community.

One of the greatest gems of the Great Rift Valley is Nipe Tumaini children’s home and school. Just over a decade ago, visionaries Benson and Eunice assembled a team to carve out a massive farm, construct a children’s home, and build a school. The past ten years involved meticulous planning which was paired with miracle after miracle of God’s provision and blessing.

Nipe Tumaini is a Swahili phrase that means “Give me hope.” This flourishing ministry is handing out hope and books right and left. 

In a community greatly affected by drought and famine, this school is quickly becoming one of the best schools in the region. Nipe Tumaini houses around 20 children and provides education to 143 children!

Just this week, work is finishing up on the newest classroom made possible through partnership with Lahash!

Executive Director, Dan Holcomb, and his daughter Celeste are currently flying to Kenya to visit the school, celebrate with staff, and reunite with Lahash partners. They are flying with over 100 books to gift to the school. 

"We are going to help expand their library. All of these books came from people who donated their books that were in good shape for the library,” shared nine-year-old Celeste Holcomb. Celeste collected books with her dad for their trip to Kenya, and in the process she wrote and illustrated her own book to tell the story of Nipe Tumaini.

Even as the property has expanded and grown over the years, brick by brick, every child is growing as they experience the love of God and the holistic care provided through the staff.

“They have transformed in leaps and bounds,” shared Eunice. “Most of them know how to read and write, they have a lot of knowledge about God. By having a library in our school, they have read so many books. They have learnt so much about different heroes and heroines. They have big dreams and aspirations. They would like to change society by being great role-models.”

God has been so good and his global body is showing up for action! Thank you for celebrating with us today, for praying, for sponsoring children at Nipe Tumaini and for sending books! Today we celebrate that God has heard our prayers and he has given much hope.