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The simple Christmas gift of a solar lamp transformed Hilda's life and future.

One of the most pivotal aspects of housing quality is lighting. Light makes a space feel inviting and comfortable. Light improves ambiance, functionality, visibility and security in a home. 

Light is also necessary for a child to pursue their dreams. Without access to quality light, school-aged children struggle to engage in their studies at home. A lack of light directly impacts a child’s opportunity to grow their literacy skills through continuous learning.

In many households across East Africa, access to quality lighting can be a challenge. For many years, Hilda’s family lacked a reliable lighting system in their home. Her family used candles at night as their main source of lighting. Though candles were the most affordable option, the family was concerned about the risks. Hilda’s mother, Anna, was worried about the possibility of a fire in her home. “Every night I used to battle with fear. I thought the candle flames would expose our household items to a dangerous fire,” she said.

Many homes in lower income neighborhoods do not have access to regular electricity, and solar lighting systems are too expensive for the families to afford. So when Hilda's sponsor gave her the gift of a solar lamp at Christmas, it made a big impact for her and the whole family. Hilda’s academic performance improved as she began to study at home in the evening hours and make progress on her homework.

“The lamp lit our home and our hearts as well,” said Hilda. “Such a timely and a perfect gift it was!” 

“Each gift shows a child that they are seen, known, and loved, and has the potential to make an impact for years to come,” shared Sponsorship Director, Emily Helt. “Thank you for your generosity and for considering the needs of your sponsored children at Christmas.”

Hilda is now 16 years old. She is studying in secondary school in Dodoma, Tanzania. Thanks to the gift of light, she is able to continue her studies and pursue her dream of becoming a teacher!

Are you ready to join in the joy of sponsoring a child? Connect with a child waiting for a sponsor today!