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Huey Travel Fund

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Growing up, Reilly became interested in missions after hearing a speaker from Rwanda. She has since ministered in Guatemala, Mexico, Cameroon, and Zambia during high school and college. She studied Intercultural Studies, Biblical Studies, and Church Ministries at university and then later earned a Master’s Degree in Global Development and Justice at Multnomah University. She brings experience in marketing, administration, database management, outreach, teaching, and recruitment.

As Outreach Director for Lahash, she’ll be assisting with church and school connections, sponsorship program growth, and the growth of our advocate community. She has a passion for missions, for serving and loving people on the margins, and for making an impact for Christ on the continent of Africa. Reilly and her husband Jacob live and work in Portland, Oregon.

To support Reilly's upcoming trip to East Africa, use the donation field above.